Laying down on my bed in the middle of the night,

I cognitated and thought and anticipated

I asked myself questions,

I can’t proffer answers to;

“what’s my identity?

Who will define me?”

With all my might

I ran and ran and ran

Looking for who to define me.


The North Pole knew I came to it

Likewise I trudged towards the South Pole,

It  can’t deny the fact

That I came to it.

Asking “who will define me? ”


Shiftless mind! Shiftless mind!!

I slipped into the crowd

Trying to fit in.

Unfortunately, mama and papa

Never gave me tribal marks

And that made me lost

Deep  Into the throng.

What’s my identity?


When will the thought

Of my purpose and bright future

Compel me to have

That frenzy feeling of joy.

Please who will define me?


P. S: Questions a reasonable man or woman begins to ask him/her self are,  “Who am I? Why in the world am I here? What’s my identity?”


It’s a question we must ask ourselves. Our Lord Jesus too had to know his identity, he knew his definition, no wonder   Jesus said in Hebrew 10:7 “Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,).” also he defined himself to the hearing of the Israelites in Luke 4:18-19.
If we must know our identity, then we must begin with communication; initially with ourselves, then with God our creator. He has our manual, he can define us.

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