Life presents us with various options in order to enable us to know our definition, especially during our adolescence stage. This is a stage when we try out new and different things to help discover our niche.

When a person becomes more self-conscious during this stage, they stare at their entity for too long such that it brings to their senses how jumbled their life is if it is not well defined.

I am certain no man wants to be in this state. This is because the state comes with: low self-esteem, uncertainty, a sense of inadequacy, helplessness and blurriness of the future, etc.

While there are many suggestions on how to find a definition for our lives, the best way is to go to the God who created the universe and from whom every thing derives its definition.

By definition, what I mean is our individual purpose. The reason God created a person. There is an unending dissatisfaction in us that can’t be satiated until we know why we exist. While this issue has been flogged several times, it can never be overemphasised because it is the core of everyone here on earth. 

…the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named…

                                 Ephesians 3:14-15

Knowing your definition is not so hard, you just need to know how to go about it. You do it by going to your creator through Jesus Christ and by faith to ask him what garden He has put you in to tend and keep. God will definitely speak to you because God has never been known to leave anyone in the dark about their purpose and how to fulfil the purpose step by step.

Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.

                                 Genesis 2:15

Come to God today for your fitting definition, stop living a life of uncertainty, without clarity on the reason for your existence. Know why He has placed you here on earth. 

The bridge from here to where God wants you to be is your purpose. It helps you understand why He has created you and makes you walk in it to give him pleasure and bless lives.

I don’t want to hustle
And rap empty air
In dark darkness.
Papa once told me,
“Purpose lifts you
And makes you soar like eagles
When other birds fly”
Now, I put the right pegs
In their right holes
And that’s fine by me.

     Lost Boys


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