As the man walked into the room, looking unkempt, he looked like he was the Janitor – no one took notice as they all continued their chatter and conversations.

It was the company’s annual Gala which was held every December which signified the end of the year when all staff and workers from far and near will gather to merry and have fun before they go home and spend holidays with their loved ones.

ForthRight Group of Companies is a production company that has been featured in the Fortune 500 magazine three times as one of the fastest rising companies in the world. As a global company with branches in different countries, it has garnered the attention of many investors and partners over the years.

Mr Ade Danjuma is the CEO of the company, and he was always soft-spoken, an honest and respectable businessman in all sense of it. The way he carried himself was laudable, and all the workers loved him, and no one has had anything ill to say about him. However, no one has ever met the founder – only his name, but it was common knowledge that he was a shy and introverted man who loved to stay behind the scenes.

That day, everyone ate to their fill as there were a variety of dishes to choose from, assorted wines and at the end of the event, Mr Ade walked to the podium and gave his final speech, and that was when he welcomed Dr Francis Umoru, the founder of the company to address the audience, and to everyone’s surprise, it was the man who no one took notice of when he came in.

Looking unsophisticated, he said a few words, encouraged and thanked everyone for their effort and commitment to see that the company is where it is today. He stepped down gently, went through the back, and no one saw or heard from him again till the end of the event.

This picture depicts the statement, Kingmakers don’t always look like kings because sometimes they could be unassuming and might not be dressed in an Abgada or a suit and tie, but it doesn’t define their worth or their value. However, the onus is laid upon us to honour all men (young or old, male or female) and strive to be good ambassadors wherever we find ourselves.

Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has multiple shirts of the same colour because he doesn’t want to go through the trouble of having to worry about what to wear and whatnot, and most of the interviews I have seen him in, he is always wearing sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt. 

The same can also be said for Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder, but his signature dress code was his black turtleneck and jeans yet, he has appeared on most of the biggest platforms to give speeches wearing what we want to wear.

The question I’d like to ask here is: are they kingmakers or not?

The old saying, don’t judge a book by its cover is still valid because some of the oldest books which cover has been torn and worn out can still impact you with wisdom and knowledge as the words didn’t change, and the print will forever remain intact unless burnt or torn into pieces.

Reading the book Secrets of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Mike Murdock has opened my eyes to see how many opportunities I have missed because I did not know that Kingmakers don’t always look like kings. I have come to realise that when you have the opportunity to meet with someone that possesses something that you need (remember that everyone will have something that you need likewise they will need what you possess) to achieve your dream and goals, it is your responsibility to drop your pail in their well and draw it out. 

There are few kingmakers today, and many want to be kings but lack the discipline and character. Life will position us to meet one every once in a while, so take advantage of such defining moments because they will help you climb the throne easier and faster.

As you step out today, let love, humility and honour guide your thought, speech and actions, and if you do, you would have already set yourself up for greatness.

Don’t stop being awesome.


The Storybuilding Baptist.

For The Bridge Hub.

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