Romantic Verses

Silas Bamigbola


Our brother has fallen out of love again,

What shall we do?

Here is he, broken,

Sulking and trying to find solace

From we his homies

“Brother, don’t be catholic than the pope,

Have you forgotten that

Our sisters are not sexless angels.

When it comes to romance

Mr Cupid is more respected

Than God.”

Untitled I

I thought lovers were supposed to find solace in themselves.

To spread out before themselves,

Sort out and pick out

What makes their souls cold

And allow the hot flame of love to warm them

Instead of recoiling,

Instead of telling themselves

” got this”

As though they are strangers.

Untitled II

when the world was cold towards me, 

i came to you, my lover, for warmth 

and you were ice.

Untitled III

we played the game 

of who is more evasive, 

you won.


I asked Arike,

“Who are you?”

She said,

“I’m a map

Leading you into places

The universe has intended you to be

And also to show our kids the right route in life”

Then, I knew

I did not make a mistake in making her

My priceless ruby.

Untitled IV

The way time scampers whenever we are together,

an hour lurching into another hour, then into five hours, 

and then into eternity, reveals to me that time is jealous of us.

Time wishes it also had a lover.

Untitled V

So, this night, I sit with your memories nestled in my heart, my earpiece tucked in my ears, listening to Romeo & Juliet sung by Johnny Drill, and I realise how much I miss you. How much I want to be in the same space at the same time as we breathe in the same air.

For Feranmi

On nights like this

I just cling to the beautiful memories

We’ve shared.

I draw your dimpled-beautiful smiling face in my heart

And as I close my eyes, 

I revel in the feeling it 

Gives me whenever I stare at

Your loving eyes.

My heart longs for you,

It yearns to be in the same space with you, 

To give you warm and loving hugs.

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