Embracing Your Maleness

Silas Bamigbola

In today’s ever-evolving society, conversations about gender equality and inclusivity have rightfully taken centre stage. While it is crucial to promote equality, it is equally important to recognize and celebrate the unique qualities that make each gender special. This article aims to shed light on the significance of embracing one’s maleness, encouraging men to explore their authentic selves and empowering them to contribute positively to the world around them.

Understanding Authentic Masculinity:

Authentic masculinity encompasses a range of traits and qualities that are traditionally associated with men. However, it is essential to recognise that these qualities are not rigid stereotypes, but rather a spectrum that varies from person to person. Strength, assertiveness, ambition, and independence are often linked to masculinity, but authentic masculinity goes beyond these surface-level attributes. It involves emotional intelligence, vulnerability, empathy, and a genuine understanding of oneself.

Rejecting Toxic Masculinity:

Embracing one’s maleness does not mean subscribing to toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity refers to harmful societal expectations and norms that pressure men to adhere to a narrow set of behaviours and traits. It perpetuates notions of dominance, aggression, emotional suppression, and the objectification of women. Men must break free from these harmful patterns and embrace healthy expressions of their masculinity.

Ye husbands, in like manner, dwell with your wives according to knowledge, giving honour unto the woman, as unto the weaker vessel, as being also joint-heirs of the grace of life; to the end that your prayers be not hindered. 1 Peter 3:7

Self-Acceptance and Authenticity:

Embracing your maleness begins with self-acceptance and the recognition that being true to yourself is a strength, not a weakness. Society often imposes unrealistic standards on men, leading to feelings of inadequacy or the need to conform. However, by embracing your authentic self, you pave the way for personal growth, genuine connections, and a greater sense of fulfilment.

Emotional Intelligence and Vulnerability:

A key aspect of embracing masculinity lies in cultivating emotional intelligence and vulnerability. Men are often discouraged from expressing their emotions openly, fearing it will compromise their strength or make them appear weak. However, acknowledging and understanding one’s emotions is a sign of maturity and self-awareness. It fosters healthier relationships, empathy, and a deeper understanding of others.

Building Meaningful Connections:

Embracing your maleness involves building meaningful connections with others. This extends beyond mere acquaintanceship to fostering deep, genuine relationships with friends, family, and romantic partners. Being present, listening actively, and offering support without judgment are essential qualities that enable men to connect with others on a deeper level.

Positive Masculine Role Models:

Seeking out positive male role models can significantly impact the process of embracing one’s maleness. These role models can be found in various areas of life, such as in the Church, books, history, sports, or even personal mentors. Observing how these individuals embody authenticity, respect, integrity, and empathy can inspire and guide men on their journeys of self-discovery.

Contributing Positively to Society:

Embracing your maleness is not solely an internal endeavour; it also involves positively impacting the world around you. Authentic masculinity can be channelled into actions that promote equality, support marginalized communities, and challenge harmful stereotypes. By using their unique strengths and qualities, men can contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate society.


Embracing your maleness is a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. It involves rejecting harmful stereotypes, embracing authenticity, and cultivating emotional intelligence and empathy. By celebrating the unique qualities that make each individual man, we can foster a society where men are empowered to contribute positively while fostering meaningful connections and nurturing their own well-being. Embracing masculinity should be about creating a space for men to express their genuine selves and become allies in the fight for equality and inclusivity.

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