

The need to fellowship together, talk and share the burdens in our heart is something every one of us yearns for; even when we try to deny that fact. The meeting with our brethren makes us feel light, reenergizes and rejuvenates us to go through life well.

Also, let’s face the fact that most men lack communities where they can actually unburden and reequip themselves. The Bridge HUB is such a community; a community men can come together to fellowship, be vulnerable to talk, share and unwind themselves.

And so, as we planned for the second hangout, we intended to gather men to burrow into the theme, Identity, and the right self-knowledge and we wondered how that could be done. We figured if a Keynote speaker could come speak to us about My Identity: “KNOWING THYSELF” and then we have an open discussion on how knowing oneself can improve the self-esteem.. More than we prayed, imagined or thought of, God made the Hangout a great success.

Gamaliel Akinsola delivered an impactful address for the keynote speech. He explicitly explained how our identity is defined by a conglomerate of different things. He used the acronym MIRRORS to accomplish that. How our identities are the reflections of these:

M – Memories. Our identity can be shaped by our experiences, different events and all that we have gone through.

I – Intuition. We have that feeling that this is what we are, maybe because of what we have done in the past or our abilities.

R – Relationships. The people we walk and spend time with or the people we call friends. A popular axiom says, “If you walk with five wise men, you are the sixth and if you walk with five fools, you are the sixth”. So your company inadvertently defines who you are.

R – Responsibilities. Our responsibilities, like what we do or job specifications or career can be our identity. For instance, gender responsibilities define who we are even though the differences are getting blurry recently. What we do can peg us.

O – Origin. Our background defines us and you never know how deep certain culture or customs have been ingrained in us until things and different circumstances trigger them.

R – Reputation. People’s perception of us defines us and their tags shape our identities also.

S – Stuffs. What we have, that is the things we own such as cars, houses, and cloths, assets etc. actually define us.

All these define people but we must be wary of them and not allow them to define us because they are broken mirrors and not a perfect reflection of who we really are.

Only God can define us. We can get to learn our true identity in Him and in knowing Him more. While many people run to different places or things above to know who they are, our surest gateway into understanding who we really are is GOD!

Our open discussion was a beautiful one. We all were vulnerable to share our hearts on the topic and we were really blessed by every single word said during the discussion.

We are really glad something like this happened on Saturday, 8th May 2021, it was a major Hangout we won’t recover from.

Thank you, Lord!



Life presents us with various options in order to enable us to know our definition, especially during our adolescence stage. This is a stage when we try out new and different things to help discover our niche.

When a person becomes more self-conscious during this stage, they stare at their entity for too long such that it brings to their senses how jumbled their life is if it is not well defined.

I am certain no man wants to be in this state. This is because the state comes with: low self-esteem, uncertainty, a sense of inadequacy, helplessness and blurriness of the future, etc.

While there are many suggestions on how to find a definition for our lives, the best way is to go to the God who created the universe and from whom every thing derives its definition.

By definition, what I mean is our individual purpose. The reason…

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Like a sheep without a shepherd 

He has strayed,  

Making physicists  

Have a perfect example  

To define scalar quantity. 

– Strayed, Lost Boys.

You may feel lost, suspended in space and your life looking shapeless and without a direction, just because you don’t know your definition. Albeit, you may not be able to answer the question, “Who are you?”. Well now, you are not alone, buddy, Many people feel that way too. They are finding their true selves for the first time, finding their new selves and finding themselves again.

The truth is that if you fail to actually take the responsibility to understand your identity, people and things will define you, they will call you what you are not. The perception you get from their definition of you will shape your world, they shape how you view yourself.

No wonder, a boy or young man really talented with much potentials to be a force to be reckoned with fails to see that about himself because he’s used to his father or mother calling him a useless chap, a dump or stupid kid and someone that will never amount to something great.

Even the environment we are incubated in defines us, We contemplate the fact that we can’t be what God has called us to be because of our background. Hence, we allow the stereotype of the environment to be our reality.

Also, when we expose ourselves to the wrong media and books,  they define and impede us from knowing our true identity. We must seek to understand who we really are and the amazing personal power and strength we have within us.

Finding our identity makes us feel engaged with life, you know your path and walk in it. You are not defined but you define things. Hence, the importance of knowing your true self, exactly what God has called you to be.

Your identity is what you discover piece by piece as you journey through life. It is the “I” each of us carry within us. It is formed and shaped by our experiences, relationships, culture, media and the world around us. All these are constantly placing expectations on us, putting ideas into our heads and defining who we are.

While they may use different approaches to arrive at their true self, going to God and learning our true identity is the first and best approach. Who better knows a thing than its creator? 

If you truly want to know who you are, you must have contact with your creator, God, through His son Jesus. Only He can call you what you accurately are. That you are His, that He created you for something important, to bring pleasure to Him and most importantly that we are deeply and eternally loved by Him.

From there, in each season of your life He brings you to the knowledge of who he wants you to be and what He wants you to morph into.

By knowing who you are, your life essence is up to par and you grasp better what you’ve been called to do and your self-image and self-esteem gets better.

If you are in Ogbomoso, please join us on the 8th of May, 2021 to answer the questions on Identity and learn practical ways to understand yours.

Register here:


As the man walked into the room, looking unkempt, he looked like he was the Janitor – no one took notice as they all continued their chatter and conversations.

It was the company’s annual Gala which was held every December which signified the end of the year when all staff and workers from far and near will gather to merry and have fun before they go home and spend holidays with their loved ones.

ForthRight Group of Companies is a production company that has been featured in the Fortune 500 magazine three times as one of the fastest rising companies in the world. As a global company with branches in different countries, it has garnered the attention of many investors and partners over the years.

Mr Ade Danjuma is the CEO of the company, and he was always soft-spoken, an honest and respectable businessman in all sense of it. The way he carried himself was laudable, and all the workers loved him, and no one has had anything ill to say about him. However, no one has ever met the founder – only his name, but it was common knowledge that he was a shy and introverted man who loved to stay behind the scenes.

That day, everyone ate to their fill as there were a variety of dishes to choose from, assorted wines and at the end of the event, Mr Ade walked to the podium and gave his final speech, and that was when he welcomed Dr Francis Umoru, the founder of the company to address the audience, and to everyone’s surprise, it was the man who no one took notice of when he came in.

Looking unsophisticated, he said a few words, encouraged and thanked everyone for their effort and commitment to see that the company is where it is today. He stepped down gently, went through the back, and no one saw or heard from him again till the end of the event.

This picture depicts the statement, Kingmakers don’t always look like kings because sometimes they could be unassuming and might not be dressed in an Abgada or a suit and tie, but it doesn’t define their worth or their value. However, the onus is laid upon us to honour all men (young or old, male or female) and strive to be good ambassadors wherever we find ourselves.

Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg has multiple shirts of the same colour because he doesn’t want to go through the trouble of having to worry about what to wear and whatnot, and most of the interviews I have seen him in, he is always wearing sneakers, jeans and a t-shirt. 

The same can also be said for Steve Jobs, Apple’s co-founder, but his signature dress code was his black turtleneck and jeans yet, he has appeared on most of the biggest platforms to give speeches wearing what we want to wear.

The question I’d like to ask here is: are they kingmakers or not?

The old saying, don’t judge a book by its cover is still valid because some of the oldest books which cover has been torn and worn out can still impact you with wisdom and knowledge as the words didn’t change, and the print will forever remain intact unless burnt or torn into pieces.

Reading the book Secrets of The Richest Man Who Ever Lived by Mike Murdock has opened my eyes to see how many opportunities I have missed because I did not know that Kingmakers don’t always look like kings. I have come to realise that when you have the opportunity to meet with someone that possesses something that you need (remember that everyone will have something that you need likewise they will need what you possess) to achieve your dream and goals, it is your responsibility to drop your pail in their well and draw it out. 

There are few kingmakers today, and many want to be kings but lack the discipline and character. Life will position us to meet one every once in a while, so take advantage of such defining moments because they will help you climb the throne easier and faster.

As you step out today, let love, humility and honour guide your thought, speech and actions, and if you do, you would have already set yourself up for greatness.

Don’t stop being awesome.


The Storybuilding Baptist.

For The Bridge Hub.

Your identity is what you discover piece by piece as you journey through life. Identities are formed and shaped through our experiences, relationships, culture, media and the world around us; all these are constantly placing expectations on us, putting into our heads ideas and defining who we are.

You may feel lost presently and might not know your definition and you may not be able to answer the question, “Who are you?” well now, don’t worry, you are not alone buddy.

Many people are still in the process of doing these three things: Finding their true self for the first time, finding their new self and finding themselves again.

While they may use different approaches to arrive at their true self, going to God and learning our true identity and most importantly knowing that we are deeply loved by God is the best approach.

Come join us on the 8th of May, 2021 to answer the questions on Identity and learn practical ways to understand yours.

Register Here:


For me, these past two weeks, though it marks the end of a phase and the beginning of a new phase, it has not been a great time. It has been a time where the shakable is being shaken and only the unshakable remains. The process is not an easy one because you come face to face with yourself, which is not an easy thing to do. 

So the feeling of inadequacy seeps into me. I feel I am not up to the tasks God is giving to me and I am unworthy to even build whatever he has called me to build.

I am certain not only I feel this way, but many other men also get to that point in their lives where they just mutter or shout the words, “I don’t think I am up to the task, Lord!

You can’t keep on feeling this way or thinking you are so unworthy for the assignments God has given you no matter what. God has called you to a task, to partner with him, to do or build something great. He knows you are up to the task that is why he called you.

Most times we don’t know who we are and what personal power God has instilled in us for the task He has called us to do. It may be because of many things such as our inadequacies, insecurities, background, words people have spoken to us and what they call us have boxed us and made us small.

You can keep calling yourself what you are not and allow all that define you or you can believe what God says about you. The choice is yours.

Moses had always been an exceptional person from birth, the scripture calls him a special baby. But he didn’t quite fully comprehend that, maybe because he was in the wilderness stage of his life. But we saw how God encountered him through that burning bush experience in that state of his life.

But Moses protested to God, “Who am I to appear before Pharaoh? Who am I to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11)

God told Moses He will deliver the Children of Israel through him. Moses told God, “I don’t think I am up to the task, Lord!” He kept on doing that to the point of telling God to send someone else even after God had given him signs and promised to go with him. He even mentioned his many inadequacies to God as we do also.

God answered, “I will be with you. And this is your sign that I am the one who has sent you: When you have brought the people out of Egypt, you will worship God at this very mountain.” (Exodus 4:12)

Stop doubting what God can achieve through you. Stop dismissing the task God has given to you with excuses.

But Moses pleaded with the Lord, “O Lord, I’m not very good with words. I never have been, and I’m not now, even though you have spoken to me. I get tongue-tied, and my words get tangled.”

Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? Who decides whether people speak or do not speak, hear or do not hear, see or do not see? Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” (Exodus 4:10-12)

God specializes in choosing senseless and foolish things to shame the wise and powerless things to shame the powerful.

God did that in the story of Gideon the Mighty man of valour who did not believe such a description of himself. He can do it through you too.

The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, “Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!”

Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!” (Judges 6:12, 14)

Man, you can be a Solomon who is young and inexperienced now but God can make you into the Solomon that built the great temple for him, the wisest king that ever lived. That is how cool God is if you can trust Him.

Stop feeling or thinking you are not up to the task, God wants to do an amazing thing through you if you will allow him, bro!

BEHIND THE SCENE By Iremide Akinsola

The night before the walls of Jericho fell, Joshua could not sleep. It had been six days since they started walking around the walls. Tomorrow was d-day. For a second, he tried to picture the walls crumbling. It was hard to imagine.

But then, he remembered the Red sea parting. That had been hard to imagine. Years after it happened, he still wondered how millions of people had walked through the Red Sea.

A smile crossed his face. The God that did that would do this. He didn’t know how it would happen, but he was sure that God would show up! The Commander of Heaven’s Army would show up!

So, he slept with a smile on his face. Knowing that He who promised is faithful. He could not wait to see the walls of Jericho crumble!

Iremide: God’s precedence gives us confidence. What He has done makes us assured about what we have not yet seen. Our Father is progressively faithful.

Joshua had seen the Lord at work in the past. It helped him when he was faced with another challenge.

What challenges are you facing? Cast your mind to times when you were at your wit’s end. Those times you cried and wondered how you would make it. Those times when God showed up. 

He did it then. He will do it again. Scriptures make us understand that those that put their trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame. 

God is with you. Your boat will not sink. Your business will not crash. Your family will not collapse. You will not lose your life. Instead of pain, you will receive double honour. God will show up. Big time! You will see. God will see to it.


One bad habit I have had to fight and has caused a bout of depression in my life at some point is comparing others with me. While this is a bad habit, we have found ourselves doing that over and over again. What this does to you is that you don’t appreciate your uniqueness and what God is building in your life. 

Truth is that society does not help, everyone wants to show or impress you with stories, pictures and testimonies that are actually intimidating. They make their lives and everything appears flashy. And as you scroll through Instagram, Twitter or go through people’s WhatsApp statuses seeing their achievements and beautiful lives you wonder why your life and situation is different.  You begin to think you are having it worse in your life. But that is not true.

They just only show you the glamorous part of their lives and not behind the scenes.

I know you may be going through a parched time and it may look like things are not going on the way you want or they should be. You may be going through a process; God may be sanding you to remove the rough edges.

God may be building you to become what he has designed you to be so you can’t afford to keep on comparing yourself with others. The scripture calls that fool’s game.  I agree that these seasons are not always easy, yes, whatever is happening does not make sense and the sense of the fact that everything is working according to your good may be inconvincible.

Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. (1 Peter 2: 4-5)

Joseph was a man who from a child already had a glimpse of what his future would be like. He saw that he would be a great leader people would bow to. But it would take some years for him to be Egypt’s Prime Minister.

But what of the years, the time gap from when he had those beautiful dreams to when he became a Prime Minister? Was it a palatable time? No!

But now, do not therefore be grieved or angry with yourselves because you sold me here; for God sent me before you to preserve life. (Exodus 45:5)

But there was no way a loud-mouthed and cynical joseph could lead the world (Yes, he inadvertently led the world because he proffered a solution that prevented the world from dying of famine), he must be turned into a loving, forgiving, compassionated and responsible Joseph – he was built.

And God sent me before you to preserve a posterity for you in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. So now it was not you who sent me here, but God; and He has made me a father to Pharaoh, and lord of all his house, and a ruler throughout all the land of Egypt. (Exodus 45:7-8)

What about David forgotten in the wilderness tending to sheep not knowing that that is him going through a process of becoming a great leader.

What of Gideon who had to trust God and believe that even in his weakest state he is a man of mighty valour.

Bro, I know you are feeling worse right now, but see your situations as instruments in God’s hands, building you to be whole.

No despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. (Romans 8:37)

A masterpiece was once shredded into pieces before it was built.

You will win, you don’t have to compare yourself with anyone because you are built differently.

AN EXPRESSED LIFE By Victoria O. Adepoju

For some reasons have you ever been asked why you are not exhibiting certain common traits in your family?

It’s fascinating to know that we have so much in common with our earthly parents. Science says that our physical appearance is determined by a genetic combination of both parents. No wonder we model some of the traits we see in them. Frequently, we unconsciously express their kind of life because we are of them. 

This inherent nature and life that we inherited from our parents can be likened to the kind of life we have in God through Jesus Christ.

If you are born of God, you have a new life and a new nature. It’s called the life and nature of God. It’s thus possible for you to express His will, nature, life and divine attributes to your world. 

But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1:12-13)

In the same way, you are uniquely created in Christ Jesus to express His kind of life. His divine intent may not have been effective in our lives. We may have failed to declare, establish, and invite other men to partake in His divine nature also. And it is as though your life is in direct contrast with the new nature you have in Christ. 

as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. (2 Peter 1:3-4)

The true victory in this Christan walk is living an expressed life, not a suppressed one.  An expressed life shows forth what has already been obtained in Christ Jesus.

Effective parents will model the trait they want to see in their children. Christ is your model; the sum of all spiritual things. He wants His kind of life to find an expression in and through you. He wants His attributes to be dominant in your life. 

He wants you to express His righteousness and holiness in this perverse world. 

Bro, God wants to show the world His goodness, grace, wisdom, leadership, splendour and excellence through you.

Make it your life’s dream that through the Holy Spirit, everywhere you are, you will manifest Christ, you will express His kind of life. That you will make Him proud, laugh and smile. 

The life of God will be expressed through you in Jesus’ name. 

Express God everywhere! You are His extension and expression to your world.


I remember when I was about to write my UTME examination that year and my head couldn’t rest from loud noises saying, “You won’t pass!” “You won’t make it”, “God does not love you to give you the future you dream of” etc. Many depressing thoughts gushed into my mind and took me to the deep and the thought of ever seeing the light at the end of the tunnel was inconceivable in my heart. This was because the enemy had put me in a small dark room where I couldn’t locate the way out.

God has amazing plans for you bro! You have to believe that! I know you weren’t expecting me to come out like that but I can’t shout it loud enough that there is that amazing purpose that he has and  wants you to fulfil in a grand style.

When the enemy can’t destroy, he tries to prevent you from seeing or drowns the truth with his lies. The enemy will go to any length to do that. He does not know exactly what God wants to do with your life but he goes around like a roaring lion, sprawling, speculating and looking for ways to stop you to do that which God has called you to do.

Jesus told his disciples plainly what God wants him to do, the grand plan to save the world and how he will fulfil His purpose. But Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him for saying such things, saying, “Heaven forbid, Lord,” he said. “This will never happen to you!”

We might feel that was the right thing for Peter to do because he loved Jesus but it was the enemy there at work with hetero-suggestions and noises to drown the purpose of Jesus with lies.

We can also find this kind of expression of Peter in our lives. It could be the voices screeching in your head that you won’t be all that God has called you to be. It could also be addictions that make the now and the future not correlate in any way. It could be depression that darkens and blurs what beautiful things the Lord is saying about you and the future. It could be people; friends that drift you away from the path or it could be haters that persecute you to make life unbearably hard for you. It could be just anything that tries to discourage you and stop you from fulfilling God’s divine purpose.

You must like Jesus, stand your ground to say, “Get away from me, Satan! You are a dangerous trap to me. You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God’s.” (Matthew 16:23 NLT)

Yes, there is a God point of view! I remember that year the enemy pummelled me with depressing noises, the weapon I used was a song titled I Am What You See. I had to see myself the way God sees me: an amazing son who will make it!

Help me to see me

The way you see me

Sometimes I see pain Lord

When you see victory

I see where I am Lord

You see where I shall be.

– Lyrics of I Am What You See by Bishop Paul S. Morton

Yes, you are God’s amazing son who will do incredible things to bring good pleasure to Him. It might not look like it now bro, but you have to see your life the way God sees it because you will win this race and you will fulfil God’s divine purpose for your life.