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How to Gain Wisdom as a Man

I remember the first time I truly fell in love with books. It was during my early days at the university. My passion wasn’t limited to a single genre; fiction, non-fiction essays, and autobiographies all captivated me equally. Initially, this hobby seemed somewhat misaligned with my Engineering studies—often, I found myself setting aside textbooks in favour of these engrossing reads. Despite this, a persistent internal whisper urged me on: “Just keep reading.” This passion led me to spend my pocket money on books—funds I could have otherwise spent on clothes or shoes. At the time, I didn’t fully recognize this as a crucial investment, one that would yield profound dividends well into the future.

The scriptures are clear on the pursuit of wisdom. Proverbs 4:7 advises, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” This echoes the sentiment that the pursuit of wisdom is not just beneficial; it is essential. Another poignant reminder comes from Proverbs 7:4, where wisdom is personified as kin: “Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman.” Such verses underscore a profound truth—wisdom should be as familiar and close to us as our own family.

The fear of the Lord is indeed the beginning of wisdom. This foundational principle is not just about reverence but involves a deep acknowledgement of God’s omnipotence and righteousness. Engaging with God through scriptures and prayer provides the cornerstone for true wisdom.

Beyond spiritual pursuits, wisdom can be gained through practical, every day means:

1. Read Voraciously: Just as my university days of reading broadly across genres enriched my understanding, so too can it enrich yours. Literature opens windows to new perspectives and life lessons, fostering a deeper comprehension of the human experience and the intricacies of the world around us.

2. Learn from Elders: Respect for the aged, especially those who have displayed wisdom, provides invaluable lessons that cannot be gleaned from books alone. Older individuals offer insights drawn from a lifetime of experiences and mistakes. Engaging with them can provide practical wisdom that guides you through your own life’s journey.

3. Seek Divine Guidance(Our relationship with God): As stated in James 1:5, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” This powerful promise reminds us that wisdom is a gift from God, accessible to those who earnestly seek it through prayer and reflection.

Gaining wisdom is not a passive process but an active pursuit. It involves a combination of dedicated study, respectful learning from those who have journeyed before us, and an ongoing relationship with God. As you stand at the crossroads of countless decisions throughout your life, let wisdom be your guide, ensuring each step is taken with insight and foresight.