Tag Archive | christian

​​How To Love Your Woman Right

You know it was Mothers’ Day some days ago, and in the light of the love we have for them, many men sought to know how to treat their women right. Yet, amidst the plethora of advice and tips on this, one timeless truth reigns supreme: to truly love your woman right is to understand her personal rhythm and dance to its beat. Welcome to this brief journey of discovery, as we dive into the art of loving your woman with grace, authenticity, and unwavering passion. So, gentlemen, buckle up! (PS: While this really directly talks about those who are married, the singles but engaged can draw out insight to implement also)

In the amazing journey of relationships especially marriage, the love between a man and a woman is a reflection of the divine love that binds us all. As Christian men, it is our calling and privilege to love our wives in a manner that mirrors the unconditional love of Christ for His church. To love your woman right is to embark on a journey of selflessness, humility, and unwavering commitment, guided by the principles of faith and compassion.

First, loving your woman right begins with understanding and cherishing her as a precious gift from God. Each woman is fearfully and wonderfully made, endowed with unique qualities, strengths, and vulnerabilities. Take the time to truly know her, not just as your wife or woman, but as a beloved daughter of God. Embrace her individuality and celebrate the beauty of her soul, recognizing that she is a reflection of God’s grace and love in your life.

Communication lies at the heart of every meaningful relationship, and marriage is no exception. We are called to communicate with our wives in an honorable manner that reflects Christ’s love and compassion. Make time for heartfelt conversations, listening attentively to her thoughts, feelings, and concerns. Endeavor to create a safe and nurturing space where she feels valued, heard, and understood. Speak words of affirmation and encouragement, uplifting her spirit with the power of your love and support. Let your communication be seasoned with grace, kindness, and humility, as you strive to build a foundation of trust and mutual respect.

It is also essential to recognize and honor the sanctity of your wife’s emotions and needs. We are called to love our wives so much and it is expected to come with sacrifice and selflessness. You should interestingly be attuned to her emotional space, offering comfort and solace in times of distress and rejoicing in moments of joy and triumph. Cultivate empathy and compassion, walking alongside her in the highs and lows of life’s journey. Show her grace and forgiveness, as the time goes knowing that she is not perfect. Let your love be a beacon of hope and healing, illuminating her path with the light of God’s unfailing love.

Again, loving your woman right entails honoring and respecting her as an equal partner in your marriage. As a man, you should lead her with humility and servanthood, as it is obvious that at the heart of true leadership is service. Be of help as you grant her insight into her decision-making processes. Hey man! Be her staunchest advocate and fiercest supporter, championing her dreams and aspirations with unwavering devotion. Also, you should learn to treat her with dignity and respect, affirming her worth as a beloved child of God. Let your actions speak louder than words, demonstrating your love through acts of kindness, thoughtfulness, and selflessness.

Ultimately, to love your woman right is to embody the essence of Christ’s love in your marriage or premarital relationship. Let your love be a reflection of God’s boundless grace and mercy, extending forgiveness, compassion, and understanding at every turn. May your marriages and relationships be a testament that love can be so detailed, and yet simple, shining brightly as a light and inspiration to all who witness it.

And Hey! It’s Women’s History Month. Don’t just read. Go and practice!

The Mind-Body Connection II

Boluwatife Oyewumi

Living In Peace Without Depression, And Anxiety

For centuries, people have recognized and used the mind-body connection as a powerful concept. This connection has been regarded as an essential component of holistic health and well-being in the Christian tradition. Living in peace, free of depression and anxiety, is a goal that many Christians strive for, and understanding the mind-body connection can help them get there.

Christian approaches to mental health and well-being have evolved and adapted to new challenges and discoveries throughout history. Early Christian beliefs emphasized the importance of spiritual health and often viewed physical health as secondary. However, over time, Christian thinkers began to recognize the importance of physical health and its relationship to mental health and spiritual well-being.

One of the most important ways that Christian tradition and beliefs can help with the mind-body connection is through the practice of prayer. Prayer has been recognized as a powerful tool for promoting mental and physical health and has been used in Christian tradition for centuries. Biblical references to prayer as a tool for overcoming anxiety and finding peace can be found throughout the Bible, including in Philippians 4:6-7, which states, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

In addition to prayer, the practice of gratitude can be an important tool for promoting the mind-body connection and living in peace. Biblical references to gratitude can be found throughout the Bible, including in Colossians 3:15–17, which states, “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts.”

Another important aspect of the mind-body connection in the Christian tradition is the importance of community and fellowship. Christian communities can be a source of support and encouragement, which can help promote mental and physical health. In addition, Christian teachings on forgiveness and love can help individuals cultivate positive relationships and reduce stress and anxiety.

Christian tradition also recognizes the importance of self-care and self-compassion. Biblical references to caring for the body can be found throughout the Bible, including in 1 Corinthians 6:19–20, which states, “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” This recognition of the body as a temple can be a powerful motivator for individuals to take care of themselves both physically and mentally.

In conclusion, the mind-body connection is an important concept in the Christian tradition and can be a powerful tool for promoting mental and physical health and living in peace without depression and anxiety. Christians can cultivate a deeper understanding of this connection and use it to promote holistic well-being through practices such as prayer, gratitude, community and fellowship, self-care, and self-compassion. Individuals seeking to strengthen their mind-body connection and live a life of peace and wholeness can find guidance and inspiration in biblical references and historical perspectives.

Two things stopped doing.


Two things I stopped doing (should I say since a long time ago?)

1. I stopped saying “I’m proud to be a baptist,” Yea, I was born a baptist, went to all their programmes and for real that’s why I’m standing now. But I have come to understand God hates sectarianism, *in fact Jesus rebuked his disciples when they told him of someone who was not part of them who called and used his name to heal. So now I believe it’s fine for me to say “I’m proud to be a Christian.” Even in our diversity Christ is what makes us One.
I debunk bigoty denominationalism.

2. I stopped knowing God on a surface or general level; Knowing God on the basis of what my pastor said or any other person said. I found out that knowing God personally is cool. You get to know him for who he is and what he can do and what he is incapable of doing through his word. Now no one can toss me around like a die 🎲, If it’s not in the word of God, I won’t go with it.

* Mark 9: 38-41

The convict!


Oh! That prison wasn’t a good place to be at all. It was a dirty place where dirty things are done by dirty people of our calibre.

The dew drops of memory of how cruel and inhuman the hands of those warders were goes beyond description as their hands wickedly shapened us that we almost despair with our lives ; Remembering the tyrannic philosophy of ‘officer Religion’ makes me shiver as though I was still in his web. He was an expert in dishing out “hard and life-choking works’ to us which are usually exponentially beyond our carrying and bearing capacity( no matter how we doubled ourefforts.) The loads on our plates is a mountain that our iron-made fork cannot summon. Yet, he will want us have them done at all cost. And who are we to say no? After all, being a prisoner is to live according to the dictate of the warders. That of ‘officer religion’ won’t be different! I could as well remember that ‘slender-sly officer’ called immorality. With his easy-to- break- backbone, he landed many to great troubles by building unnecessary stimulation in their body systems backing it up with satanic ideas on how to be drown in lust and call it love. And when he has landed guys into problem, the victim blame the devil. What a subtle person ‘officer immorality was?’ what am I to say of officer greed and pride- both are best of friends, always using us to get things that benefit them at all cost, coupled with self-esteem. Time will fail me to tell you about some other warders like anger, gossip, lust, idolatry, drunkenness etc.

For the few days spent in the hands of this fragile warders, life was more than meaningless and miserable. Those few days seem like eternity. They respect no age just as they circumvent people to achieve ungodliness. For real, being in the prison isn’t a good thing, you are dictated and have no will of yours. No freedom at all to unleash your God’s given potentials. We thought it was cool at least we still have our friends together in this place and we even brand some of these things to make it all the more tushed (you understand all the packaging?)

Little did we know that our lives were wasting away and may eternally be prisoners to these no-mercy warders. But just at a time it seems we won’t leave the prison, we did! We walk out freely (not by prison break or jumping the fence), but through a man who walked us out of the prison to freedom. As I walked out of the gate, I exclaimed, ‘VICTORY AT LAST’ And he said, ‘this victory I have secured for you long ago but you keep turning it down. That is why you have been under the control of flesh and even the satan.

I am grateful that you showed me such a great love. Despite my disobedinece, you sought for me in this prison of shame. Thanks Sir.

I say thanks be to God for that man (Christ ) and faith in Him that set me free, oh! How free and happy I’m to be a slave to righteousness (swipes of Masters)! How sweet to be in Christ. Now I’m now a full citizen of a godly nation and family. Hallelujah!

“Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law. You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus- The Word.”

P.S: I enjoin you to please join this family if you haven’t by accepting Jesus into your life TODAY.

On Feminism and Chimamanda adichie’s ted talk

On Feminism and Chimamanda adichie's ted talkRecently I listened to Chimamanda Adichie’s speech on TED talk. She advised that we should all become a feminist. And I quite agreed with her though that might receive some reasonable level of contention.

I believe it’s all about our mindsets and thought pattern though. It must be worked on, for real. As a Christian, my Bible never thought me females are to males, in fact Galatians 3:28 says “There is neither ….. male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.”

That shows that non is inferior to each other neither is there a garb of superiority designed for any though with some considerations which are not necessary in this line. we all have chances to dream, have visions and unleash them without being gender biased.

But here is an exception, and this is where many feminist gets it wrong. When it comes to a husband and his wife, the case is different. Bible says Wives should respect their husbands. Husbands should also love their wives (it’s more like respecting them too). I agree non is inferior but ladies must know that submitting to their husbands is a key to a successful marriage and men should also know that loving and honoring their wives also spices and garnishes their marriage.

For real, personally I won’t love to marry a lady that’s inferior, that can’t cook (cause I love food) as well as one that cannot prayer and study the word. Wonder how she will be able to teach our children the undiluted word of God. Or a lady that has no vision and a will power. I won’t love to marry such woman. And I won’t ever be threatened by my wife’s accomplishments because I know we are one.

You could see the foreknowledge of God when He spoke through Apostle Paul in 1 cor 11:3 that, “But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.” I think much headache will be prevented if we get this.

Men also should know that not all ladies are submitted to you, when you ain’t Solomon (mirth). But for real if a she is your supervisor or president or madam in your office or establishment, I don’t see anything bad In it. It could be the other way round and nobody will complain.