Tag Archive | identity


The need to fellowship together, talk and share the burdens in our heart is something every one of us yearns for; even when we try to deny that fact. The meeting with our brethren makes us feel light, reenergizes and rejuvenates us to go through life well.

Also, let’s face the fact that most men lack communities where they can actually unburden and reequip themselves. The Bridge HUB is such a community; a community men can come together to fellowship, be vulnerable to talk, share and unwind themselves.

And so, as we planned for the second hangout, we intended to gather men to burrow into the theme, Identity, and the right self-knowledge and we wondered how that could be done. We figured if a Keynote speaker could come speak to us about My Identity: “KNOWING THYSELF” and then we have an open discussion on how knowing oneself can improve the self-esteem.. More than we prayed, imagined or thought of, God made the Hangout a great success.

Gamaliel Akinsola delivered an impactful address for the keynote speech. He explicitly explained how our identity is defined by a conglomerate of different things. He used the acronym MIRRORS to accomplish that. How our identities are the reflections of these:

M – Memories. Our identity can be shaped by our experiences, different events and all that we have gone through.

I – Intuition. We have that feeling that this is what we are, maybe because of what we have done in the past or our abilities.

R – Relationships. The people we walk and spend time with or the people we call friends. A popular axiom says, “If you walk with five wise men, you are the sixth and if you walk with five fools, you are the sixth”. So your company inadvertently defines who you are.

R – Responsibilities. Our responsibilities, like what we do or job specifications or career can be our identity. For instance, gender responsibilities define who we are even though the differences are getting blurry recently. What we do can peg us.

O – Origin. Our background defines us and you never know how deep certain culture or customs have been ingrained in us until things and different circumstances trigger them.

R – Reputation. People’s perception of us defines us and their tags shape our identities also.

S – Stuffs. What we have, that is the things we own such as cars, houses, and cloths, assets etc. actually define us.

All these define people but we must be wary of them and not allow them to define us because they are broken mirrors and not a perfect reflection of who we really are.

Only God can define us. We can get to learn our true identity in Him and in knowing Him more. While many people run to different places or things above to know who they are, our surest gateway into understanding who we really are is GOD!

Our open discussion was a beautiful one. We all were vulnerable to share our hearts on the topic and we were really blessed by every single word said during the discussion.

We are really glad something like this happened on Saturday, 8th May 2021, it was a major Hangout we won’t recover from.

Thank you, Lord!

Your identity is what you discover piece by piece as you journey through life. Identities are formed and shaped through our experiences, relationships, culture, media and the world around us; all these are constantly placing expectations on us, putting into our heads ideas and defining who we are.

You may feel lost presently and might not know your definition and you may not be able to answer the question, “Who are you?” well now, don’t worry, you are not alone buddy.

Many people are still in the process of doing these three things: Finding their true self for the first time, finding their new self and finding themselves again.

While they may use different approaches to arrive at their true self, going to God and learning our true identity and most importantly knowing that we are deeply loved by God is the best approach.

Come join us on the 8th of May, 2021 to answer the questions on Identity and learn practical ways to understand yours.

Register Here: http://bit.ly/thebridgehub


Laying down on my bed in the middle of the night,

I cognitated and thought and anticipated

I asked myself questions,

I can’t proffer answers to;

“what’s my identity?

Who will define me?”

With all my might

I ran and ran and ran

Looking for who to define me.


The North Pole knew I came to it

Likewise I trudged towards the South Pole,

It  can’t deny the fact

That I came to it.

Asking “who will define me? ”


Shiftless mind! Shiftless mind!!

I slipped into the crowd

Trying to fit in.

Unfortunately, mama and papa

Never gave me tribal marks

And that made me lost

Deep  Into the throng.

What’s my identity?


When will the thought

Of my purpose and bright future

Compel me to have

That frenzy feeling of joy.

Please who will define me?


P. S: Questions a reasonable man or woman begins to ask him/her self are,  “Who am I? Why in the world am I here? What’s my identity?”


It’s a question we must ask ourselves. Our Lord Jesus too had to know his identity, he knew his definition, no wonder   Jesus said in Hebrew 10:7 “Lo, I come (in the volume of the book it is written of me,).” also he defined himself to the hearing of the Israelites in Luke 4:18-19.
If we must know our identity, then we must begin with communication; initially with ourselves, then with God our creator. He has our manual, he can define us.