Tag Archive | joshua

BEHIND THE SCENE By Iremide Akinsola

The night before the walls of Jericho fell, Joshua could not sleep. It had been six days since they started walking around the walls. Tomorrow was d-day. For a second, he tried to picture the walls crumbling. It was hard to imagine.

But then, he remembered the Red sea parting. That had been hard to imagine. Years after it happened, he still wondered how millions of people had walked through the Red Sea.

A smile crossed his face. The God that did that would do this. He didn’t know how it would happen, but he was sure that God would show up! The Commander of Heaven’s Army would show up!

So, he slept with a smile on his face. Knowing that He who promised is faithful. He could not wait to see the walls of Jericho crumble!

Iremide: God’s precedence gives us confidence. What He has done makes us assured about what we have not yet seen. Our Father is progressively faithful.

Joshua had seen the Lord at work in the past. It helped him when he was faced with another challenge.

What challenges are you facing? Cast your mind to times when you were at your wit’s end. Those times you cried and wondered how you would make it. Those times when God showed up. 

He did it then. He will do it again. Scriptures make us understand that those that put their trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame. 

God is with you. Your boat will not sink. Your business will not crash. Your family will not collapse. You will not lose your life. Instead of pain, you will receive double honour. God will show up. Big time! You will see. God will see to it.