Tag Archive | security

Equipped Men Dealing with Insecurity

In today’s world, many men grapple with feelings of insecurity. Whether it’s about their abilities, appearance, or place in society, these feelings can weigh heavily on a man’s mind and spirit. But the truth is, your security as a man is rooted in a source that transcends all earthly concerns – it is found in God alone.

The Foundation of Security: God

Your security as a man is not determined by your job, your looks, or your social status. Instead, it is deeply rooted in your relationship with God. The Bible reminds us in Psalm 62:2, “He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will never be shaken.” As a man, when you place your trust in God, you can be assured that you are on a firm foundation.

Insecurity often stems from a knowledge gap – something you don’t know or something you think you know incorrectly. This can lead to doubts and fears that erode your self-confidence. The good news is that God provides wisdom and knowledge to those who seek Him. Proverbs 2:6 says, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.”

As you delve into God’s Word and seek His guidance, you’ll find the knowledge you need to overcome your insecurities. God’s wisdom can fill the gaps in your understanding and give you the confidence to face life’s challenges.

False Knowledge and Insecurity

Insecurity can also be fueled by false knowledge about yourself. You may have internalized negative beliefs or lies about who you are. These misconceptions can hinder your personal growth and leave you feeling inadequate.

Romans 12:2 advises us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will.” Through prayer and reflection on God’s truth, you can replace these false beliefs with His promises. When you understand your identity in Christ, you’ll be better equipped to tackle insecurity head-on.

Becoming an Equipped Man

Becoming an equipped man is the key to preventing insecurity from taking root in your life. Equip yourself with knowledge – both the knowledge of God’s Word and the knowledge of your true identity in Him. When you are firmly grounded in these truths, you’ll find the strength to confront your insecurities and cast them aside.

Insecurity often arises from a fear of inadequacy, but 2 Corinthians 3:5 reminds us, “Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.” Your sufficiency, as a man, is not self-generated but comes from your relationship with God.

So, what does it mean to be an equipped man? It means embracing your identity in Christ, seeking His wisdom, and letting go of false beliefs that hold you back. It means trusting in God’s unchanging love and grace. When you are equipped with the knowledge of God’s Word and His promises, you’ll stand secure in the face of life’s challenges.

In conclusion, every man faces insecurity at some point in life. But remember, your security as a man is found in God alone. Seek His wisdom, discard false beliefs, and become an equipped man. By doing so, you will prevent insecurity from gaining a foothold in your life, and you’ll stand firm in the knowledge that you are loved, valued, and secure in God’s hands.


Have you ever been in a situation where you feel like just giving up? Where you feel you’ve had enough and throwing in the towel seemed like the best option?

I believe that most of us have found ourselves in that state. That state where things are not working the way they should. Also, you don’t feel you can do anything to change the situation. Hope deferred wearies the soul and to hold on can be hard.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.
Proverbs 13:12

While it’s normal to feel like giving up, God is expecting that we find hope in those hopeless situations.
In a country like Nigeria where things aren’t working the way we want it to, it is easy to lose hope. Where the government we elected makes things difficult for the citizens. Where those put in place to protect us shred our security daily and even kill us, the youths; most especially young men.
The system does not work well and some of the armed forces are also the beasts created from this failed system and in turn, they extort young Nigerians trying to make the best of their circumstances.

Although we understand there are bad eggs out there, the truth is, we believe that things can still be done better. We can still have a life where we feel safe; we enjoy our basic human rights, even the freedom to live, most especially from people whose job is to protect us. Nigerians have had enough of the mediocre and failed system.

I remember how I felt on the first of October; this is how I felt and the question I asked on that day, “As much as I know Nigeria is my country and it can still be great again, I don’t have any enthusiasm to celebrate her today. No matter how much I try, that feeling to just wish her or be happy for her sixtieth anniversary is not there. I still have hope in a better Nigeria but I can’t fake that there is something much to celebrate her for. I don’t know but that’s the feeling I have and I don’t know if it’s right or not. How can I have a better perception of Nigeria?”


So while it’s easy to give up, we can still find hope that Nigeria can be better. I’m glad we the youths are rising, we know that our voice is potent to ask for what we want. It is a movement you should join. As we pray and protest to demand the end of SARS, as we ask for a new Nigeria, a Nigeria where all we hope for becomes a reality, we shall win.

And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.

Romans 5:3 -4

So what’s that hopeless situation you are going through now? God is telling you not to lose hope, God wants you to speak to him and take the necessary actions he’s instructing you to take for things to turn around.

You can’t just burn out when you can still fan to flame the remaining light in you.

You will win, Nigerians will win! We will! By the grace of God.