Tag Archive | self-esteem

Overcoming Inferiority Complex

Opeyemi Obidare

I’d like to begin by stating that nobody is born with an inferiority complex. It is a learned behaviour that can be unlearned and overcome. We shape our persona based on our life experiences, interactions with people, and the environment we find ourselves in. It is highly probable that many individuals are walking around with some form of inferiority complex. I must admit that preparing to write this article has given me the opportunity to reflect inwardly and recognize some of my own feelings of inadequacy.

“The denial of a problem does not erase its existence” – Anonymous

An inferiority complex can manifest itself in various behaviours, such as oversensitivity, seeking attention, having a low sense of self-worth, being submissive, pretending to be someone we’re not, overcompensating, developing a false sense of superiority, procrastinating, striving for perfection, and being excessively judgmental of others.

In a world where societal expectations always exist, the inability to meet these standards, whether reasonable or not, can make anyone feel inferior, particularly when they have exerted effort or witnessed others achieving them. This sense of inferiority may eventually evolve into a complex.

At this point, a man who has experienced repeated failures begins to replace “I had a failure” with “I am a failure,” “a missed call” with “I am alone in the world.” It only worsens from there, as thoughts find expression in actions, and the actions resulting from negative thoughts are predictable.

Now that we have established that societal expectations are a significant cause of an inferiority complex, I dare say that no man can excel in everything. There will always be someone who surpasses you in certain areas. Individuals with an inferiority complex tend to compare themselves to the best in a particular field, even though they may be just starting out or have not invested nearly as much time as the top achievers.

Jordan Peterson suggests that, in dealing with an inferiority complex, one should address their most evident shortcomings. Begin with the obstacles that clearly hinder your personal goals, or adjust your goals to align with your capabilities. However, it is important to avoid changing your goals simply because it’s the easier way out. Don’t be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone. You should have a sustainable passion for the goals you choose, or at the very least, enough passion to see them through to fruition.

To summarize, when dealing with an inferiority complex, it is crucial to avoid comparing ourselves to what is considered normal for others. Understand that there can only be one you. Set your own goals based on your values, motivations, and capabilities. Determine your own pace. If you’re dissatisfied with it, take responsibility and make the necessary changes. Adjust your responses, shape your environment, be open, and be honest.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that an inferiority complex is an indication that something is amiss. It serves as a sign for you to reevaluate your game plan and make necessary adjustments.



Last year, I went through one of the darkest moments of my life. I did not love myself nor believe that I will ever amount to something or someone better in life. It affected my self-esteem. 

The depression was deep and it persisted for months. It was a phase I will never wish on anyone. Although it’s a phase that we sometimes go through. 

I don’t know what lies we believe about ourselves that rip us of our self-esteem or make us feel less of what God says we are but I know the struggle can be so real and hard.


the moon hid behind a curtain,

the stars cried then failed to appear,

and the dark night sank

into another bland black darkness.

For men, our self-esteem, self-worth and self-respect mean a lot to us. It informs people’s perception of who we are. If our perception is not strong, it weakens our hearts and lives and makes us feel inadequate. No man wants to feel inadequate.

The question now is, does our faith or trust in God’s love and care buffer low self-esteem or better put, can that make us feel better about ourselves?

I know we have gone through a lot in life, the ups and downs and the many blows life jabs at us, but what has been your best way for combating life?

For me all those times I went through those dark moments, I tried many things: reading books, being with someone special, and trying to imagine a better tomorrow, making positive affirmations as well as identifying and developing my competencies. 

While they may work they only did little because those solutions seem fickle.

Then what is the surest way? It is trusting in God’s love and care. While it was still the darkest point of my life and my self-esteem was low, I stumbled on an amazing verse that still helps me till now

…“Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;

Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you…”

Jeremiah 31:3


It was a beautiful revelation I dwelt on. I kept believing the words and imagining how God stood to swear those words, Him having eternal love for me. This makes me feel if the creator has chosen me and then loves me with an everlasting love and draws me to Himself every time then I must be a special person. 

This changed my perception about myself; that I am an important person, this boosts my self-esteem significantly.

But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvellous light;

1 Peter 2:9

Your self-esteem may be low, but understanding God’s love for you and trusting in it can boost your self-esteem in ways you can’t imagine. 

Read passages that affirm God’s love for you. Then other things you do like the ones I mentioned above can be effective.

You are all fair, my love,

And there is no spot in you.

Songs of Songs 4:7

The kind of self-esteem that you have from trusting in God’s love does not fluctuate; it does you a whole lot of good, makes you less vulnerable to anxiety, to think less of yourself and makes you boast in God’s love for you.

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!

1 John 3:1