Tag Archive | sinners.


Every day you wake up, you are faced with many decisions to make, choices with consequences and each decision you make is based on certain beliefs and desires, those deeply seated in your subconscious mind which determine your actions.

That is why you must pay attention to your frame of mind. The source of lust is in our thoughts and what we desire that drag us away from the norm as God’s children.

Sexual lust is a wicked vice, one of the vices almost every man grapples with as they sojourn on earth and trumping over it is not something you do by cutting the branches or felling the tree. It is something you do by cutting from the stump, from the source. You must get your hand dirty, fight and be deliberate to attack it from the source.

One of the easiest ways to stop a stubborn tree from growing is to cut it from the stump. This severs the hope of growing even if it scents water. When a house has a leaky roof, you know just putting a bucket under where it leaks won’t cut it, the best way around the problem you face is to look for the source and block them. That is the only way to stop the roof from leaking permanently. The solution to a problem is solving it from the source, and that is the wise thing to do, you can’t keep patching it and expect it to be solved holistically.

The ultimate solution to pulling down the stronghold of lust in your thought life is a recapture of the mind. Cut lust from the stump, its source, your thoughts. Because your thoughts become desires, desires become a sin which is an action and sin begets death. If you don’t want the devil to have a smooth ride in your life you must be ready to fight and win over lust from its mainspring.

What do you fill your mind with? Our subconscious mind follows the rule, “You get what you focus on”. The media and society we find ourselves in today have been so unkind to the point of no mercy that they assault us every moment with images and content that pollute our minds and grease lust in our lives. Just a click gives you access to a plethora of them. They become triggers.

What you fill your mind with deliberately or inadvertently will shape your thought pattern, the seat of your desires which entice us and drag us away to sin, and gives birth to death.

The devil is not playing, he is looking for who to devour. What he can’t destroy, he tries to corrupt. And he knows corruption eventually leads to destruction if the specimen is not saved, it is only a matter of time.

That is why you must not allow him to win. More than you want to be free and overcome lust, God wants you to win. You can trust God’s grace and the power of the Holy Spirit in you to win this battle against lust.

When you catch yourself concocting images or fantasies in your mind you must be ready to arrest those thoughts before they are mature enough to produce offspring. You can do that by:

1.        Praying

Praying is a vital tool for severing lust from its source. Jesus told His disciples twice to “pray that you may not enter into temptation” (Luke 22:40, 46). J. Garrett Kel from his article, “4 Ways to Fight Sexual Temptation” using the scriptures shows us examples of prayers we can pray when we are tempted:

  • “Lord, save me” (Matt. 14:30).
  • “Lord, help me” (Matt. 15:25).
  • “Jesus, Master, have mercy” (Luke 17:13).
  • “O Lord, I pray, deliver my soul!” (Ps. 116:4).
  • “Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord! / O Lord, hear my voice!” (Ps. 130:1–2).
  • “Lead [me] not into temptation, / but deliver [me] from evil” (Matt. 6:13).
  • Lord, you promised not to “let [me] be tempted beyond [my] ability,” but to “provide the way of escape” (1 Cor. 10:13). Show me the escape!
  • “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24).

2.       Study the word of God

When you study the scripture, your spirit and mind are inundated in the word and that is the way you put off the old and put on the new. That is the way you cast down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. Study the scripture well to live a life of victory.

3.       Don’t fight alone.

Shame and guilt, the fertilizer of lust thrive in secrecy. Learn to be accountable to someone you can trust. The devil assures us that asking for help is weak, shameful, and unnecessary. But that is a lie. Don’t let him isolate you and then overcome you. Don’t try to fight alone because you are at a disadvantage that way, take leverage of the amazing and godly friends you have around so that you won’t fall.

Your thought life is important, that is where you win or lose many battles. Take care of what you focus on and sever lust through the help of God from the source. Remember, more than you desire to be free and overcome lust, God wants you to win.

Gray Love



He was the shadowy shallow man
who acts like a fastidious, prude puritan
Putting every man on a slate,
Sternly slating soiled sinners.
He seems to have the ‘book of life’ in his hands
And with pencil and eraser
He spells the wrath of wretched sinners
“You! you did this and this and that
You will rot in seething sulphurs”


As He juries us,
He forgot he was also black and not white;
Now, we have spelt “Love” backward front
And it looks like “Hate.”
He has made us misunderstand God.

Grace is not actually what they have painted it to be:
Grace is spelt love
Grace appeared to all men
And love white and black as well.
Wouldn’t I call Grace gray?


So I told gray love
“I’m a fetid filth
Whose life touse apart.”
“I know,” HE said,
“here’s red”
HE wiped my slate clean
Now, black has become white.

Bamigbola Silas

Formidable Love… 

She was a beautiful woman blessed in every sense of femininity. The expensive ambiant attires she wore were flawless, good looking and a disguise of her true identity. Her business flourished, blossomed and brought men from far and near.

Lewd men queued to have their turns, for she was a prostitute.
Not until the day she was caught in the very act, all went smooth.
“Yeh! I’m doomed” she retorted.

Dragged to the light of the world by those “I-too-know” and self righteous religious leaders.

Sly Pharisees trying to trap Jesus asked him, “what should we do to this woman?”
Jesus in return stooped  down writing with his fingers on the ground as he was inspired of the Spirit. “The most righteous one amidst you should cast the first stone”, he said. 
Ashamed folks, they left one after another, from the eldest to the youngest. Then, the light of the world looked up and told her the most beautiful and sincere words she possibly heard for the first time in her life, ” Dear, I love you and want to live in you, go and sin no more”.
Friends, God loves us even in the darkest times of our life. He hates sin but loves sinners and want to show them the right path to live.
Are you in or not? If you ain’t in,  Please come in, just the way you are, he loves you unconditionally and formidably. 
